Helpline personnel recruitment

Convertibill® is seeking to work with experienced business professionals that want to offer helpline support to business owners. We have hundreds of clients from a wide and diverse range of industry sectors and they regularly seek advice on a host of issues from recruitment, to regulations and from purchasing insight to trading advice. We are seeking to meet and work with anyone that feels they have useful advice that they are willing to share with others.

The helpline is not solely for Convertibill® clients, anyone is welcome to call us for assistance. If we can help, we will and we will do so at no cost to the caller. If we cannot help, we may be able to refer you to someone who can. If you would like to work part-time, or full-time, as a helpline operator, complete the form opposite. Alternatively, make an appointment and let’s discuss how we might work together. We want to help you to help our clients.


Let’s work together & support our clients

Appointment: Book online now

01 685-3672 (Ireland) or

0844 774-7822 (United Kingdom)

    Convertibill® Mentor

    Complete this form to apply for a Convertibill® Mentor position

    Years Experience:

    Using the checkboxes below indicate your experience:
    PracticeIndustryTaxCost AccountingReceivershipsPrivate EquityLeasingInsuranceBankingCredit/CollectionsLegalOther

    Available days per month